How To Fund Your Small Business in 30 Days Or Less Without Proof of Income

Get $50,000+ of No Doc & No tax return business funding for your brand-new LLC: A 60-minute deep dive on 0% APR business credit card funding. 
Get instant access now for $397 ➡

How You'll Fund Your New LLC

  • How to create a bullet-proof credit profile that banks will approve instantly.
  • Massively increase your approval chances by eliminating all of the "business-killing" mistakes banks always catch.
  • How to max out your credit limit with every bank using my proven relationship-building strategies.
  • How to create a "custom funding sequence” to get your business funded by the top banks with the least inquiries.

Discover The Secrets of Unlimited Business Funding

Get instant access now for $397 ➡

What previous clients said

Here's what you'll learn

In only 60 minutes

Build the most fundable credit profile

Why do some people get approved for every card they apply for while others get the "7-10 business days" message or worse instantly denied? That's because banks are looking for a specific credit score, utilization rate, number of inquiries, and existing credit limit. I'll show you what personal data points the banks want to have. 

Mistakes to avoid at all costs

Banks will never tell you upfront, which types of businesses they never fund. So I'll tell you all the big mistakes people make from the day they form their new LLC. Like what you should avoid before you even pick a name for the business, every high-risk industry to avoid, and what business services you must have in place for banks to take you seriously.

Strategies to get the highest credit limit

Have you ever wondered why your starting credit limit is always super low? It's because the bank doesn't trust you or your new business...YET! Banks give you an internal score based on how close your relationship is with them, which unlocks your ability to get higher credit limits. We'll discuss every strategy you can use to get on the bank's good side so they open those purse strings and hand you more money.

Step-by-step when to apply for each card

If you don't structure your application sequence properly, you could be leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table. We'll use a spreadsheet to determine what card to start with and what bureau to target first, so you get maximum funding from minimal inquires.

Bonus #1: 0% APR Credit Card Master list

Use my master list to find over 60 banks that offer 0% interest funding for 12-15 months. 

I spent months creating this list and it saves me hours watching useless YouTube videos and clicking through endless bank websites.

Getting your hands on interest-free money to invest back into your business without worrying about interest fees piling up is a secret weapon. You could even balance transfer to another business card to extend your interest-free window. Plus, with so many banks here, you're going to find the perfect match for your business needs.


Value: $397

Bonus #2: Net-30 Vendor Master List

Find over 70 business vendors that report to multiple credit bureaus

Stop wasting time searching for business vendors that report. Get 24 vendor categories for any business type plus 9 no-fee vendor accounts.

When these vendors report your on-time payments, it dramatically increases your business's creditworthiness to the banks and whether you're a contractor, a landscaper, or a truck driver, there are vendor accounts here that make sense for your business. And many vendor accounts charge a yearly fee but here you can find the very few that report to the business bureaus for free.

Value: $247

Money Back Guarantee

Not what you expected? No problem, ask for your money back in the first 30 days and I'll send it right back to you.

Get instant access now for $397 ➡

Everything You'll Receive

60 minutes of business credit card funding hacks
  • Access to the 60 min workshop ($897 Value)
  • 0% APR credit card master list ($397 Value)
  • Net-30 vendor master list ($247 Value)
  • A system to raise $50k+ for your new business ($567 Value)
  • The exact order you should apply for each business card ($167 Value)
  • Bank manager calling script ($317 Value)
  • Funding sequence checklist & template ($227 Value)
  • Highly recommended business services list ($147 Value)
  • Personal credit cheat sheet ($67 Value)
  • Bank research template ($47 Value)

Total Value: $3,080 $297

Who this is for

  • New and small business owners with less than 2 years in the game
  • People with great business ideas that the bank turned away 
  • People with good credit (FICO scores 680-850)
  • Someone ready to make their own money with a side hustle or small business

Who this is NOT for

 ❌ People with bad credit and derogatory items reporting
 ❌ Business owners with no plan for the funding they receive
 ❌ People who refuse to invest a little time to gain access to massive amounts of credit

3 early bird spots remain

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Everything you'll need to fund your new business before it starts making money

Get access to the secrets, the tips, and the master lists

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